I did it. Three months ago, I finally bought a new Macbook — a serious upgrade from the previous Air model. And guess what? It's the 2016 15 inch Macbook Pro model. Yes, the one with the touchbar. Here's why:
Top reasons
I previously worked on a 4GB Macbook Air so I needed:
- more power for more demanding projects (migrating to Sketch and Framer a lot)
- finally a larger screen to organize all assets and stop switching windows like a maniac
- finally working on Retina display. Like I said, I was using a 13 inch Air.
My thoughts so far
The screen
+ it's gorgeous and a pleasure to work. Combine that with the new Space Gray look and you'll fall in love too.
- a bit too big, kinda missing the Air's ultra-portability
The keyboard
+ really digging how it's built and how close to the body is
- kinda noisy and loud
The touchbar
+ not missing the function keys, not at all (one of my main concerns)
+ cool shortcuts when you least expect
+ the fingerprint sensor. Brilliant!
- could really use some haptic feedback, a small vibration at least after you press ESC
- still wrapping my head if it's that innovative, time saving, ergonomic solution as they presented.
The battery
+ N/A
- could have been better. I mean for a 2016 model I have a few (high) expectations and battery is one of them. I mean, I come from owning two Toshiba laptops and having serious issues with their batteries. Apple made me to never go back on owning Windows laptops. At least for now.
The ports
+ for my surprise, not that of a big deal. I'm no photographer to depend on SD cards, and I still haven't had the need to connect a USB. I will buy a dongle for just in case, but again, not that of a trouble. I do love the fact that I can charge using both sides. It's comfortable that way
- MagSafe. I miss it and I have to be extra careful now. I still don't get it why they cut it off. Maybe in the not-so-distant future it will rise again in a more USB-C like size and form.
I bought the Macbook Pro as a maximum 3-year investment. Afterwards I will upgrade again. For now I will enjoy it and get used to the changes and compromises, compromises that are not that critical as reviewers say. Yes, it might not be perfect, but it fits right for my needs and projects. So Kudos for that, Apple! (my perfect macbook you ask? same config I have now + MagSafe on both sizes + haptic feedback on the touchbar and 13inch display for portability reasons).