It was not simple for me to decide to launch this blog or to continue to stay still in my corner. I had to cover a lot of things I didn't notice or be fully aware of at start - such as domain, hosting, platform or what will I actually want to write about and trust me - to write (good) stuff on the web, it's no easy task. Luckily, now, there are a lot of tools to help you get a glimpse of how blogging can impact the community, before you decide to go all the way. Today, I will talk about Medium and why it sets such a great example.
Smashing Book #4 Review
I've been a fan of Smashing Magazine since I've discovered them back in 2007. From that day until now I've kept a close eye on their progress and enjoyed every resource they made available. I even tried little by little to contribute to their mission: designed calendar wallpapers, contributed to the Smashing Community poster, expressed my opinions for the Smashing Usability Panel and many more. But the one thing I appreciate the most is the fact that the SM team knows how to give back to the community that supports them. Entering the stage is the Smashing Book - a collection of ideas, opinions and practices tailored to make us embrace design and remind us why we do the things we do. Smashing Book #4 was launched, I bought it and now... I'm going to review it.
Design Books I've read and recommend #1
For the last six years I’ve chosen to read only design related books to improve my skills. I’ve kept a distance from novels, fairy tales and so on, in favor of keeping track with the requirements and trends for fields such as User Experience, Information Architecture and Interaction Design. In the following post I will present some of those books that I’ve read and guided me on the right track. This is my list of recommendations.