It was love at first workout. Recommended in early December by my colleague and friend, Eddie, Fitstar got to me so fast, it's growing to be part of my daily commute. It's the Fitness App I was looking for - it motivates you and keeps you coming back on a regular basis; also I have a weakness for Gamified systems. It was not easy to declare this my app of the year (trust me - I use all three major mobile operating systems: Android, WindowsPhone and iOS), but the way they integrated the video playback features with the workout lists makes this a true companion to your healthy life.
Throughout the years I started to know more about myself and my limits and one thing is certain: I cannot stay still. I am constantly looking for new ways of improving myself, educationally and professionally speaking. It's that feeling of achievement, that makes you smile and keeps you moving forward every time you look back. Now I'm looking back at Team AVe's participation at the Imagine Cup 2012 World Finals (Game Design: Phone) in Sydney, Australia and I must say... it was one hell of a ride. This is the story of "Cityquest".
Freebie #1: Lego Batman Beyond - HTML5 and CSS3 animation
From time to time it's important to give back to the community. After all, it's only fair to return the favor - we download, we view, we read articles, tutorials for free thanks to the great and almighty Internet. The resources are infinite and for that commitment, it seems nice to share back, to be part of that community.
Having these thoughts in mind, I made a freebie I like to show the world...