Web UI example patterns
list menu, hamburger menu, mega-menu, drawers, sidebars, cards, tiles
grids (centered, full-screen), split, card, masonry
Actions and commands
left click, right click, hover actions, inline actions, contextual actions, toolbars, drag-n-drop, pop-over, pop-ups
Tables and Lists
rows, columns, sticky tables, expandable tables/lists, sort, filters pagination
Form patterns
label, input, placeholder, errors, warnings, success
hover, active, visited, empty, ideal, exaggerated
inputs: text, radio, checkbox, date/time, slider, toggle, single select, multi-select, textarea, spinners, stepper, number, password, file, color picker, rating, token/PIN, location, WYSIWYG, phone, email, URL, search, masked, signature, image, audio, video, CAPTCHA
progress bar, form wizard
Desktop UI example patterns
menu bar, tabs, folder/file view
center stage, toolbars, sidebars, panels, widgets, modal windows
Actions and commands
trackpad actions: pinch, swipe, tap
Mobile UI Patterns
top bar, bottom bar, floating button, dashboard
cards, tiles, grids
Actions and commands
tap, double tap, long press, swipe, pinch, spread, pan, drag, flick, rotate, shake, swipe up-down-left-right, 3D touch,
Tables and Lists
horizontal tables, tables as lists, cards alternative
Form patterns
same as web, but take into account:
dedicated on-screen keyboards
dedicated screens
Useful resources
Marius Ursache - Sketching & Prototyping
POP App for iOS and Android - Turn Sketches into Prototypes
UXPin Timeless UX Design Trends
UXPin Tactical UI Design Patterns
UXPin Designing Better UX with UI Patterns
Mobile UI Design Patterns (UXPIN free book)