AiCo (Airsoft Companion)
Envision a digital product dedicated to groups of airsoft players that gather around in teams in an arena to play different airsoft matches. The user-interface will provide multi-language support for setting up the player teams, game type (for example, Deathmatch, Capture the Flag, SpeedSoft, Domination, 1:1), match duration and score, and other preferences. Moreover, the application would sync with the internal Bluetooth unit of the weapon replica and offer information such as ammo left, battery capacity and usage, plus other maintenance data. Also, the system would also sync with a smartphone/smartwatch and a pair of augmented reality glasses to provide – by using various data visualization techniques – the contextual information for each player during a match.
BeGR (Best Goods Recommender)
Using QR codes or an alternate approach (be creative!), propose an interactive application to be deployed on a smart device (tablet, mobile phone, watch, fridge, TV, vehicle, etc. – consider at least 3 of them) able to recommend best products – considering quality, price, various restrictions,... – for a set of desired goodies, including several information of interest: characteristics, price, geographic availability, risk factors, etc. The application will also recommend products/services on the basis of the user's social graph (his/her "friends" on a social network).
DaVi (Data Smart Visualizer)
Propose interesting means of complex visualization and faceted navigation concerning the information provided by various online sources of public datasets such as Academic Torrents, Kaggle Datasets and/or Open Datasets. Consider different interaction techniques and contexts of use. .
GamR (Game Resurrection)
Choose a classical electronic game (except Tetris) and propose a modern version of it by using natural I/O devices and interaction methods – for example, vocal input or interaction via (pseudo-)haptic handheld devices and 3D output (i.e. adopting the virtual/augmented reality representations).
GeRC (Gestural Remote Control)
Design a smart personal assistant which makes use of natural means of interaction – for example, gestural, (pseudo-)haptic – in order to control certain home appliances such as BluRay players, fridges, kitchen robots, washing machines, TV sets, and others. For a proper interaction, propose a set of gestures to be used to control these (classes of) home appliances. The status of each controlled appliance can be viewed/changed via a smart device (phone, tablet, TV, conversational physical user assisstant).
GUD BOI (Dog Training Virtual Assistant app)
Design a smart personal trainer for dog owners. Pet parents can pursue different lessons, view their pet's progress, and consult its health card at need (vaccines, medication, allergies, weight, etc.) with direct contact with clinics. "Pawrents" can be aided via an AR experience where the smart personal assistant can correct or suggest real-time improvements while the users train their dogs. Alternatively, users can experience Remote Tele-Training with a professional or interact with other dog owners and help each other.
MeHe (Mental Health Companion App)
Design a smart companion assistant that keeps track of the user's mental health. From checking the level of daily exercises/movement, breaks, and meditation to interacting with other positive-energy people. The application can also track levels of burnout at work and offer intervention-like experiences to help motivate users. The application is distributed on various devices so that the user stays engaged. Gamification elements are also an added touch.
MMVC (Multi Modal Video Cinema App)
Envision a collaborative virtual cinema experience where multiple users can enjoy a video/movie at the same time. Users can chat and discuss during the experience, while an admin role can manage the level of disruption (direct kick or submit voting). Moreover, a gamification system keeps the users entertained (ex, bonus trivia points and "spoiler" badges). The application is scalable on multiple platforms and devices, benefiting from their capabilities (AR display, hand tracking, eye tracking, accelerometer, voice commands, and many more).
PlaC (Play the Class!)
Create a multi-user educational game for learning in a fun way the most important concepts regarding technologies for a FII class of your choice (for instance for WEB: HTTP, cookie, Web session, Web service, Web application server). Consider also the principles of responsive design and ludology.
STUDENTR (Social Student Campus app)
Design a social student campus application where students from a University can (but are not limited to) access course materials, view timetables, interact with other users (study groups or teacher-student lounges), enlist in various interactive experiences (associations/fraternities), attend classes virtually in multiple mediums and formats (examples: augmented reality, virtual reality, conversational). Users can interact with the campus app both in the virtual and real worlds.
ToHA (Tourist Helping App)
Envision an ergonomic user interface for a mobile application dedicated to groups of tourists participating in a trip/holiday/vacation. The application would provide updated schedules, audio and visual guides, directions to POIs (Points of Interest), group and individual chats, plus timers and alarms for each location. Provide various variants of an augmented reality UI for a specific POI, detailing each artifact and recommending simulations of experiencing the objective when the weather or other factors do not allow the physical access – all by using the camera within the app. The application could also sync with a smartwatch to benefit from dedicated features based on this wearable device's platform.
VisI (Visual Impairment Smart Assistant)
Propose a smart assistant allowing users with visual impairments (low or myopic vision, light sensibility, color blindness, etc.) to better distinguish the information architecture and the actual content of a Web page/site. Based on the provided content or intended audience, the application will be able to perform – in a smart way – common actions: resize/adjust/substitute text and/or images/videos, change the style sheet and/or modify the color theme depending on a certain impairment, replace animations with textual/aural explanations, and others.