Starting with this year (second semester) I'm back once again teaching laboratory classes at the Faculty of Computer Science from Iasi. This time it will during the Human Computer Interaction Course (Master Studies) held by dr. Sabin Corneliu Buraga. After more than six semesters being on the other side (from student to teacher) there are a few lessons I learned the way. So here we go.
UX Recipe: why and how I built it
On the 28th of January, I silently launched UX Recipe, a checklist where you discover, choose and estimate your next UX project tools and techniques. Since then, a lot of crazy things happened that I want to share. But first things first, let's start with the beginning.
Google Cardboard Review
I discovered Cardboard while I was searching for more on Material Design. As I was browsing, I got to read a review on last year's Google I/O and I was curious why all the attendees received a piece of... well, cardboard. I got more and more intrigued about the whole concept and what it stands for that I decided to get my hand on one of them. It's that awesome.